The Petitioner was a law student who had approached the Court seeking appropriate
orders for the construction of separate public toilets for transgender persons. The
Petitioner’s plea was rooted in the argument that the State must provide for basic
facilities like public toilets for transgender persons to ensure equal protection of their
rights in view of the decision of the Supreme Court in NALSA.
Court Decision and Reasoning:
The Court issued notice in the case after which the Government of NCT of Delhi filed
periodic status reports on the steps taken for construction of separate toilets for
transgender persons. As per the status report filed in January 2024, a total of 143
separate toilets had already been constructed and 223 more were in process. The
New Delhi Municipal Corporation also filed three action reports. The Petitioner then
agreed to the case being closed praying that the Respondents be bound by their
statements and undertakings and closed the petition. The Court issued directions to
this effect and closed the petition.
This was a significant case before the Delhi High Court where the Court took measures
to ensure that the State was taking proactive steps to protect the rights of transgender
persons by providing them access to public infrastructure (toilets) and delivering on
their basic needs and necessities.